
Dr. Suresh. E. S

Head of Department – BBA

The Bachelor of Business Administration is a dynamic programme that develops the students’ potentials of being leaders, entrepreneurs, academicians as well as researchers in the field of business/business education. The college follows the Bangalore North University curriculum which is perfectly designed for Sculpting an individual with conceptual, analytical as well as empirical approaches and strengthening their communication skills thus building their potential to grow in myriad roles within the industry or the world of business.

To expose the students with realistic industry environment, the department organizes national and international industrial visits, invites Senior Managers from Industry for Guest Lectures to share their experiences, organises seminars, workshops, college fests and management games. Proliferate Value Added Programmes selectively chosen keeping in mind. kinds of potential that today’s generation exhibit are an added uniqueness of the programme. Students are being encouraged to participate in various Lectures, Seminars, Workshops outside the campus and to participate in various Cultural and Literary events held in various colleges and Universities. The college campus is well-equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure to allow students the space they need to unleash their creativity be it academics, cultural or sports.

New Horizon College is one of the BEST BBA Colleges in Bangalore NHCK ranked amongst the top BBA colleges in Bangalore


To endow value based quality education to create business leaders enriched with professionalism to carve a niche for self and society.


To create stimulating learning environment for students through quality teaching and state of art facilities.

To provide a platform for academia-industry interactions.

To inculcate professional, ethical and social values amongst students.


The degree is designed to give a broad knowledge of the functional areas of a company, and their interconnection, while also allowing for specialization in a particular area. BBA programs thus expose students to a variety of “core subjects” and allow students to specialize in a specific academic area; see MBA program content. The degree also develops the student’s practical managerial skills, communication skills and business decision-making capability. Many programs thus incorporate training and practical experience, in the form of case projects, presentations, internships, industrial visits, and interaction with experts from the industry.


  • Accounting.
  • Entrepreneurship.
  • Finance.
  • Human Resource Management.
  • International Business.
  • Legal Management.
  • Management.
  • Management Information Systems.
  • Marketing.
  • Operations Management.
  • Real Estate.
  • Supply Chain Management.
  • Tourism Management.
  • Advertising Agencies.
  • Banking.
  • Consultancy.
  • Finance.
  • IT Companies.
  • Consumer Durable Companies.

NHCk is among the Best BBA Colleges in Bangalore


Teaching and Learning are two sides of the same coin and need to join if the entire process has to synthesize in order to bring about desired changes in the effective pattern of understanding and learning by a student.

At present, we merge traditional use of the Chalk board with latest technology to disseminate knowledge to the students of the Institution. We also encourage the use of various media like the Over Head Projector, Slide Projectors, etc.

  • The use of traditional methods of teaching coupled with technology makes the programme more student centric. Activities like Group Discussions, Seminars, Symposia, Quiz etc., makes for the better understanding of the subject at hand. Students are exposed to various channels of the electronic media, Guest lectures, Special Instructional Programmes, Gyan Darshan and Experts talk to ignite the young minds and to influence them for perfect learning.
  • Special instructional programmes such as Tutorials, Remedial Coaching and Mentoring System are being practiced at an individual level to help slow learners and non performers.
  • Internal Quality Assurance Cells (IQAC) is established to monitor and review the academic progress. Students’ performance is assessed through Assignments, Unit Tests, Term End Internal Examinations, while teachers’ performance is monitored through Self Appraisal Reports and Academic Performance Indicators.
  • The Institution also meticulously plans and organizes updated teaching schedule with the given inputs for the benefit of the teaching and learning community.
  • Students centered methods like review, questioning, quizzing, deliberations on the subject are all an integral part of the pedagogy adopted by the faculty.
  • Experiential learning, Participative learning, problem solving methodologies are used to enhance learning experiences.
  • Latest technologies, namely e-learning, are used by the faculty for effective teaching.
  • The learning environment is conducive for critical thinking, creativity and scientific temper.
  • The Institution follows a mentor – mentee system to meet the academic and personal needs of students.
  • The Institution gives due recognition to innovative and creative contributions of its faculty and students.
  • Project / Field experiences are integrated into the learning programmes.
  • The teaching – learning process is enhanced by the constructive feedback given to teachers on their teaching methodology.


The institution’s internal evaluation system is one such methodology adopted to identify an advanced learner. Certain mechanisms which identify their learning needs are based on the students’ curiosity to explore new avenues which is identified by their questioning skills, learning ability and quest for learning.

These advanced learners would be dealt separately and individual special attention is given to them. Over and above the curriculum taught, attempts are made to provide them with additional input, knowledge, curriculum for learning etc., by way of modules, subject, projects, skill development with hands on experience etc., so that these learners are benefitted in the process.

The support structures and systems available for teachers to develop skills for interactive learning are seminars, topic based discussions, subjective role plays, debating etc., which play an important role in the further fuelling of a students’ curiosity.

Live and vestibule projects are used for collaborative learning and group learning which helps the student in individual learning by preparing notes, assignments, participating in group discussions, activity based learning programme like exhibition, case study analysis, research activities and through presenting papers.



The institution provides various platforms for students to participate in live projects, workshops, Value added practical’s within the campus to ensure that students are always innovative and practical in approach.

Keeping in mind these two perspectives the value added courses such as CA coaching, CAT coaching, Tally, Global Certification, Foreign Educational Tour and Soft Skills , PDP, Capital marketing, CISCO , Jet king and CPT are provided along with the prescribed course of the University.



A student will opt for one of the following activities offered by the college, in each of the first four semesters of the undergraduate programmes. The activity carries a credit each and will be internally assessed for 50 marks. The following may include the CC & EC (Co-curricular and Extension activities)
  • S.S. / N.C.C
  • Sports and Games
  • Physical Education or Activities related to Yoga
  • Field studies / Industry Implant Training
  • Involvement in campus publication
  • Publication of articles in news papers, magazines or other publications
  • Community work such as promotion of National Integrity, Environment, Human rights and duties, Peace, Civic sense etc.
  • A Small project work concerning the achievements of India in various fields
  • Evolution of study groups/seminar circles on Indian thoughts and ideas
  • Involvement in popularization programmes such as scientific temper
  • Activity exploring different aspects of Indian civilizations
  • Computer assisted/web-based learning and e-library skills
  • Innovative compositions and creations in music, performing and visual arts etc.
Evaluation of Co & Extra Curricular Activities shall be as per the drawn proposition and guidelines of the course / activities.



Graduates will be able to:
  • Demonstrate technical competence in domestic and global business operations.
  • Actively pursue advanced studies and demonstrate their entrepreneurial capabilities towards a better society.
  • Exhibit leadership, interpersonal and marketing skills engaging in independent and lifelong learning.


  • PSO 1: Demonstrate the ability to develop business models / frameworks to reflect critically on specific business context in stock and financial markets.
  • PSO 2: Demonstrate the fundamentals of creating and managing business entities in the field of manufacturing and services sector.


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Semester I

Semester II

Part 1 – Languages

Language – I

Semester III

Semester IV

Semester V

Part 2 – Optional

Management Accounting

Elective Paper I

Question – Papers

V SEM BBA Question Papers

Semester VI

Part 2 – Optional