Internal Quality Assurance Cell

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college was established to examine the overall performance of the Institution and take up effective measures to improve the quality of education.
The institution has a well defined quality policy and the same is assured through the inbuilt mechanism of teaching, learning and evaluation. All the stakeholders are made aware of the institution’s quality policy and any concerns regarding the quality not met are addressed by the Principal in consultation with the IQAC. Regular meetings with parents’ and other stakeholders are held to assure the quality standards. The parents, students and teachers form an integral part of the IQAC in assessing the quality policy.
To develop a quality system to ensure all round development of the institution and achieve excellence in all spheres.
- To establish a student – centric and experiential learning environment.
- To encourage departments to organise seminars, workshops and conferences for enhanced knowledge sharing.
- To evaluate periodically the progress of academic and administrative topics for overall development of students
- To develop a quality system
- To organize inter and intra-institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
- To document various programs/activities of the Institution, leading to quality enhancement.
- To prepare the SSR and Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the Institution based on the quality parameters/assessment criteria developed by the relevant quality assurance body (like NAAC) in the prescribed format.
- Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education.
- Promotion of measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.
- The IQAC plays an important role in conceiving and implementing quality-sustaining & quality promoting initiatives in all activities of the College.
- IQAC through many proactive initiatives has succeeded in internalization of quality cultures and in institutionalization of best practices.
- IQAC develops quality benchmarks and parameters for various academic programs and initiatives to promote Student Welfare Schemes; Initiation & sustenance of reward schemes for Academic and other participative & extra- Curricular programs.
- Student support Initiatives: Internships in industry, Summer Research Projects.
- Activities to promote Leadership, creativity, innovation, critical thinking & Scientific temper.
- Ensuring systematic delivery of Teaching plans. Promotion of Industry interface with faculty & students.
- Enrichment of Classroom teaching with invited lectures from Academia & Industry.
- Integration of field-based learning along with classroom learning and promotion of Term paper/ Seminar/ Project-based learning. Monitoring adequate balance between curricular & extra-curricular activities.
Sl.No | Name | Designation | Role |
1 | Dr. Baswaraj B | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Dr.Suresh ES | Hod BBA | Head |
3 | Dr.Prema | Sr.Asst Professor | Member |
4 | Dr.Shashikala | Sr.Asst Professor | Member |
5 | Ms.Aruna Seth | Sr.Asst Professor | Member |
6 | Ms.Sudharani | Asst Professor | Member |