New Horizon College library is a resource center for teaching, learning & research. Being the heart of the academic center, it is the home for all the information services. It plays a proactive role in enabling access to information resources of all kinds and providing innovative, response and effective services to meet the changing needs of the academic community.
The major objective of our library is to provide right information/Knowledge to the right users at the right time. The Library holds a hybrid collections of printed as well as electronic resources, which include books, journals, databases, e-books, e-journals, magazines, newspaper, CD’s/DVD’s, previous years question papers, syllabus, newsletter, faculty published books, faculties paper presentation, bound volumes, project reports, etc. and also the institution has membership of N-list consortium, IIMB Library Institutional Membership and also library having an institutional repository by using D-Space digital Library software. Library webpage is available to access all the resources for students and faculty members. NHCK Library holds 14,037 volumes. The library fully automated with integrated library management system (ILMS).
- The library follows an Open Access policy. You can pick a book of your choice from the shelves and may refer to it in the library or borrow them. Reference
- Maintenance of peace & silence is a must.
- The library photocopying service is available from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. The library supports the copyright policy.
- The Library offers user orientation program to its users on the subscribed resources and other facilities.
- The library maintains a good collection of journals and magazine archives in bound volumes
- The library sends alert as SMS/Email text messages to the users about the transactions in the library
- The library lockers are available for storage of personal belongings for ‘daytime’ use.
- The Library is using NLIST e-Library portal, which provides all the knowledge available through the library on any device from anywhere.
- It has wider variety of data including subject related audio video presentation, e-books, project reports, digital scan objects such as question papers, photographs, syllabus and other form of contents.
Rules and Regulations
- Identity card should be shown at the check point.
- Bag, handbags and personal belongings at the property counter.
- Students are prohibited from carrying any note book inside the reference section except loose sheets.
- Eatables are strictly prohibited in the library.
- Members to maintain peace, silence in the library is must.
- No person shall write on, damage or make any mark on any book, journal or other material belongings to the library.
- Reserve books are kept separately in circulation counter for two days for each member and thereafter the same will be issued to the next member.
- All the Students must return the books at the end of each Semester during Working day of the Institution at the time of collecting hall ticket for the Final examination. For PUC at the end of Academic Year.
- Library users to leave the library books on the reading table after reading and should not place it in bookshelves.
- No due Certificate will be issued to the students at the end of each.
- Semester/Academic year, provided they have returned all the borrowed Books and have cleared all dues.
- Books should be handled with great care and damage of books in any manner will be heavily fined.
- Students can retain the books for two weeks only, after which a fine for Students: ₹ 1/- per book per day will be charged after 15 days of issue. ₹ 2/- per book per day will be charged after 30 days of issue. ₹ 3/- per book per day will be charged after 45 days of issue, and suspension from the Library Membership.
- Staff should submit their books on the last working day of an academic year.
- Books lost by the borrowers have to be reported immediately to the Librarian in writing.
- If the borrowed book is lost, the borrower will have to replace with a new book / the amount of the book depending on the availability of the book in the Market.
- However the decision on the replacement of the book/ payment of the double amount / the amount of the book lost will be as per the Library policy.
- Usage of mobile phone is prohibited.
Members are entitled to borrow .Library materials specified below:
Principal 8 books.
Lectures 8 books.
Students 6 books.
Admin Staff 2 books.
- Collections
- E-Books List
- List of Magazines
- List of Periodicals
- E Resources
SL No. | Departments | No. of Titles | No. of Volumes |
1 | Social Sciences/BA | 1354 | 2115 |
2 | Management | 642 | 3935 |
3 | Commerce | 884 | 3806 |
4 | Computer Application | 330 | 1843 |
5 | SC/ST Book Bank service | 363 | 568 |
6 | Complimentary Books | 1746 | 2483 |
TOTAL | 5319 | 1437 |
Print Journals | 15 |
E-Journals | 7055 |
Technical Magazines | 04 |
General Magazines | 05 |
e-Newspapers | 05 |
Project Reports | 808 |
Bound Volumes | 178 |
CD’s | 396 |
Sl. No. | Publisher | No. of e-Books |
1 | Cambridge Books Online | 1800 |
2 | E-brary | 185000 |
3 | EBSCoHost-Net Library | 936 |
4 | Hindustan Book Agency | 65 |
5 | (ISEAS) Books | 382 |
6 | Oxford Scholarship | 1402 |
7 | Springer eBooks | 2300 |
8 | Sage Publication eBooks | 1000 |
9 | Taylor Francis eBooks | 1800 |
10 | Myilibrary-McGraw Hill | 1124 |
11 | South Asia Archive | through NDL |
12 | World e-Books Library | through NDL |
Total | 1,95,809 |
List of Magazines
01 | Business Today |
02 | CSR |
03 | India Today |
04 | Sports Star |
05 | The Week |
Technical Magazines
01 | Chemistry Today |
02 | Mathematics Today |
03 | Biology Today |
04 | Physics for you |
List of Periodicals
Sl.No | Journal Name | Publisher | Supplier | Periodicity |
01 | Resonance | IAS | IAS | Monthly (12) |
02 | Indian Journal of Marketing | Indian Journal of Marketing | Indian Journal of Marketing | Monthly (12) |
03 | Prabandhan-Indian Journal of Management | Indian Journal of Marketing | Indian Journal of Marketing | Monthly (12) |
04 | Indian Journal of Finance | Indian Journal of Marketing | Indian Journal of Marketing | Monthly (12) |
05 | Indian Journal of Computer Science & Engineering (Scopus Indexed) | GRP | United Book Supplier | Half Yearly (2) |
06 | Journal of Information Security Research (Scopus Indexed) | DLINE | United Book Supplier | Quarterly (4) |
07 | Journal of Intelligent Computing (Scopus Indexed) | DLINE | United Book Supplier | Quarterly (4) |
08 | Research & Review: Machine Learning and Cloud Computing | MAT | United Book Supplier | Four Months Once (3) |
09 | Current development In Artificial Intelligence | RIP | United Book Supplier | Half Yearly (2) |
10 | IIMB Management Review (Scopus Indexed) | Elsevier | United Book Supplier | Quarterly (4) |
11 | Journal of Knowledge Management (Scopus Indexed) | Emerald | United Book Supplier | Quarterly (4) |
12 | Indian Journal of Marketing (Scopus Indexed) | IJM | United Book Supplier | Monthly (12) |
13 | Indian Journal of Finance (Scopus Indexed) | IJM | United Book Supplier | Monthly (12) |
14 | International Journal of Research in HRM | Comprehensive Publications | Library Connect | Half Yearly (2) |
15 | International Journal of Foreign Trade and International Business | Comprehensive Publications | Library Connect | Half Yearly (2) |
Dr. Shankaranand H
MSC in Library Science,M.Phil and UGC-NET
Ms. Poornima Patil
Assistant Librarian
Master in Library and Information Science
- 08:00 am to 05:00 pm
Library and Information Center
- 080-25429361/20 | 9844808912