Value Added Program Android Web Developer

NEWS Value Added Program Android Web Developer CLASS: VI Sem BCA ‘B’ Section. NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 55 Students. NUMBER OF HOURS: 36 Hours. Date: 27-04-2022 to 13-05-2022. INSTITUTION: AVV SOLUTION. TRAINER NAME: Mr.Uttam. COURSE OBJECTIVE: This course is offered to the students to know more about developing mobile app and implementing complex software apps. Android Developer […]
One day workshop on Visual Programming and SQL Server connectivity on 28-1-2023

NEWS One day workshop on Visual Programming and SQL Server connectivity on 28-1-2023 One day workshop on Visual Programming and SQL Server connectivity on 28-1-2023 by Mr. Harsha is working as SAP Buddy Leader at Wipro Pvt Ltd & Mr. Subramani is working as System Engineer at Capgemini are Alumni of batch 2017.
Industry Oriented Training By Human Resource Development

NEWS Industry Oriented Training By Human Resource Development Date: 25/07/2022 to 4/08/2022 Class: II Year BCA ‘A’ & ‘B’sec Venue: Room No D34 & P29 The Human Resource Development department, NHEI organized a preplacement training program for II-year IV Sem BCA students. There was orientation by Ms. Rashmi S HR Manager from placement department on 25-07-2022 at 9:00 […]
Department of Computer Science, New Horizon College, Kasturinagar successfully concluded the National Conference on RECENT TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENCE AND AUTOMATION RESEARCH – NCRTTSAR-2024.

CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP Department of Computer Science, New Horizon College, Kasturinagar successfully concluded the National Conference on RECENT TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENCE AND AUTOMATION RESEARCH – NCRTTSAR-2024.

CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP Two-Day Workshop On PYTHON PROGRAMMING Python is an object-oriented, high-level programming language with integrated dynamic semantics primarily for web and app development. Python can be used to develop different applications like web applications, graphic user interface based applications, software development application, scientific and numeric applications, network programming, Games and 3D applications and […]
Two-day Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning workshop organized by the Department of Computer Science at NHC-K!

CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP Two-day Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning workshop organized by the Department of Computer Science at NHC-K! The participants had a great hands-on experience with G Vineeth Kumar ME, who provided valuable insights on designing algorithms and building applications using AI.