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Industry Oriented Training By Human Resource Development

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NEWS Industry Oriented Training By Human Resource Development Date: 25/07/2022 to 4/08/2022 Class: II Year BCA ‘A’ & ‘B’sec Venue: Room No D34 & P29 The Human Resource Development department, NHEI organized a preplacement training program for II-year IV Sem BCA students. There was orientation by Ms. Rashmi S HR Manager from placement department on 25-07-2022 at 9:00 […]

Free Medical Camp at NHCK on 24/2/2023

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INSTITUTIONAL SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Free Medical Camp at NHCK on 24/2/2023 Lions Club and NIMHANS organized Blood donation Camp ion College premises on 3rd October, 2019. 164 units of blood has been collected for a noble cause, which is to give life to people in need Eye Pledging.The NSS Unit in association with Lions club organized […]