Workshop on “Counselling skills and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy”
The workshop was oriented by the Department of Quality assurance Cell for all the counsellor’s of New Horizon Educational Institution on 7th August 2017
It was the Objective of the workshop that every Counsellor in the New Horizon Educational Institution , practice systematically with therapeutic skills.
Ms. Barathi Singh was the key speaker of the day, a pioneer in providing help in mental health and well being to people in need across all age group and issues through an NGO called SA – MUDRA Foundation.
The speaker with her vast experience dealt with several issues along the course of the workshop. She emphasized on the basics of counselling skills such as Empathy and social skills, communication and barriers of communication, rapport building.
The session was a refresher in turn helping our conusellors to reiterate and reinforce the basics of counselling skills in their day to day practice.