Work Place Conflict People Management

Date: 7th May 2021
Mode and Link: Cisco WebEx –
Conducted By: Alumni Cell
Attended By: III Year B.Com, BBA, BCA (87 students)
Time: 11.00 am -12.00 noon
OBJECTIVE: To get familiarized with workplace conflicts regarding people management.
A thought-provoking session on “Workplace Conflict- People Management” was held on 7th May 2021 for students of III year B.Com, BBA, BCA. The resource person was Ms. Priya Tarun Khushalani,Analyst ANZ- SSI Bangalore.
Highlights of the Session
The resource person started the session with a brief introduction about the workplace conflict and mentioned that it is inevitable when employees of various backgrounds and different work styles are brought together for a shared business purpose. Conflict can and should be managed and resolved. With an all-time high tensions and anxieties due to the current political divide and racial inequity discussions at work, the chances for workplace conflict have increased. The toolkit examines the causes and effects of workplace conflict ,the reasons for employer to act and to address conflict.
Reasons for Conflict
Conflict can occur in any organization when employees with different backgrounds and priorities work together. Conflict can be expressed in numerous ways such as insults, noncooperation, bullying and anger. Its causes can range from personality clashes and misunderstood communication to organizational mismanagement. The negative effects of workplace conflict can include work disruptions, decreased productivity, project failure, absenteeism, turnover and termination. Emotional stress can be both a cause and an effect of workplace conflict.
Points Discussed
Productive Conflicts
· Creative idea conflicts · Competition/ challenges · Opportunities |
Negative Conflicts
· Personality Clash · Favouritism · Difference of opinions and work place violence |
· Sparks innovation · Inspires internal growth · Builds stronger bonds
· Work disruptions and Decreased productivity · Absenteeism · Termination |