Webinar- Personality Development – “Realization Leads To Regeneration
Date: 22nd May 2021
Mode and Link: Cisco WebEx –
Conducted by: Department of Management
Attended by: II SEM BBA (70 students)
Time: 9.10 am -10.00 am
OBJECTIVE:To get an idea how realization can evolve regenerationA thought-provoking session on “Personality Development –“Realization leads to Regeneration” was held on 22nd May 2021 for students of, II semester BBA. The resource person was Ms. Syeda Tahseen, Accounts Lead in DXC Technologies.
Highlights of the Session:
The session started with initialization of the speakers’ knowledge in the area of corporate and the basic lacunae in the field of communication skills.
The session continued with varied prospects of a student’s career accompanied by the need of the in-depth realization of the apt communication skills and power to learn, unlearn and relearn to rejuvenate the self-development.
The speaker focused on a “student to do list” which can guide them in future course of action.
The speaker highlighted the possible areas for the BBA stream to plunge into for enrichment of their knowledge and self-development.
Points Discussed:
The discussion went across the common areas of concern in the workplace that demands attention and self-realization, providing acknowledgement to the parental touch without which the realization is null and void.
The slides showed the key skills for a student to exercise with care and diligence which improves the maturity and enhances self-motivation.
The talks that motivated the crowd were the ways to find out the time out of the daily chores to promote self-growth.
Snap shots of the Evidences of discussion made by the Speaker:

Outcomes and Reactions:
The session witnessed enthusiastic participation from students. Queries were raised and clarified.
The students got valuable insights from the speaker’s lucid speech, ideas and inspiration generated which they felt can successfully contribute to the self-realization. The session concluded with a heart-felt thanks to the eloquent speaker.