Webinar on Unlock Your Skills and Passion During this Lockdown

Date: 14 August 2020
Mode and Link: Meeting Link
Conducted By: Career Counselling Cell
Attended By: B.Com, BBA and BCA
Timing: 10.00 am To 11.00 am


To provide the required guidance to the students to Unlock their Skills and Passion and pursue their talent during this Lockdown.

At a time when anxiety and panic has gripped us all, courtesy the corona virus outbreak, there is a need to find a way out to beat the boredom .For many of the students in self isolation, it can feel like the corona virus has put the world on hold.

An insightful Session on “Unlock Your Skills and Passion during This Lockdown” was held on 14th August, 2020 for the students of B.Com, BBA and BCA. The Resource Person being Ms. Jayashree Satish, Associate Partner with Excel Orbit.
The Session provided valuable and insightful ideas to beat the boredom amidst the pandemic period to discover their talents and to properly utilize their time in hand and to convert the latter into recognizable skills.

Practicing social distancing has limited the human interaction. Suddenly, it seems like the hours in a day have increased. There is nothing to do. Looks like it is the perfect time to get back to hobbies and do things that bring joy in such dark times. It is very essential for a person to keep his cool and work on a daily basis to improve both physically and mentally. This webinar brings about new perspectives in the minds of the students which facilitates positive thinking and determination.

Resource Person Ms. Jayashree Satish

A healthy mind lives in a healthy body!

Here, the Resource Persons draws a direct co relation with the wellbeing of our mind and body. Eating the right quality and quantity of food coupled with regular exercise and meditation is the perfect ideology for a healthy body. Most of the people are unaware of the fact that, our mind and our body are directly linked. Everything that our body does is a result of commands being given by our brain.

Thus, to maintain a healthy mind, it is essential to maintain a healthy body, including internal organs, and vice versa. The more we shape our body, the more our mind gets shaped. A healthy body fights against many anomalies and helps multiple parts and organs to rejuvenate. This enables the brain to be at peace since a lot less stress signals are sent to it. Thus, a healthy body helps you to grow independently with a peaceful, healthy and positive mind.

A person who conquers the mind conquers the world!

Here, the Resource Person states to keep the mind silent. It is our own mind that deludes us in the first place. Our mind is deceptive. This is why we must again and again strive to silence the mind, and be established in the Self. Having a calm mind is essential for a healthy and effective living.

She emphasizes the importance of attitude in our lives. If you have a positive attitude and look forward to every day for the opportunities it will bring, you will find more opportunities. If you write down your goals, you will make the plans necessary to achieve your goals and take appropriate action. You are well on your way to achieving your ideal life.

With an attitude of positive expectation, you’ll not only achieve more, but you’ll also experience more satisfaction in your daily life. It’s important to be disciplined, be committed and always believe in oneself.

No one else can control your attitude; it’s all up to you. Change your attitude and change your life.

Here, the Resource person emphasizes on various job opportunites available in the following sectors: Government Jobs, Private Jobs, attempting NET Exam, Competitive exams or even to start a SME (Small or Medium Enterprise).

Passion is the energy that keeps us going, that keeps us filled with meaning, and happiness,
and excitement, and anticipation. Passion is a powerful force in accomplishing the ambitions.
Practice makes man perfect and perfection gives the enormous joy of completeness.
Passion is the driving force behind success and happiness that allows us all to live better lives.

The session was very interactive and informative. The take way from the session was:

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney