Water Conservation Survey

To understand the water conservation methods and wastages. Water conservation methods used in each houses.A Survey has been done
The Survey focused on Mode of Water storage by Villagers for Personal and Agricultural Use. Data gathered through survey,the students were instructed to take the survey which was mainly focused on the problem faced by the people for water, the source of water, the storage method of water in their homes The students were divided into 10 groups 5 members in each group and they were put into different parts of the village the students went to all the individual houses and schools in the village to educate them about the water conservation and giving the awareness.
The next point is that since most of the houses felt that they were obtaining sufficient amount of water and hence needed no rain water harvesting but yet they had to be educated by our team upon the benefits of rain water harvesting. There is also a lake near to the village which means more water resource and thus surplus of water. But no that’s not the case since the water is highly dirty and contains wastes from different houses since they have their pipelines connected to this lake which means no proper management of water body is taking place in the village.