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Date: 5th July 2022

Resource Person: –

Dr Rachana P, Associate Professor, Dept of CSE, NHCE

Dr Senthil Kumar, Associate Professor, Dept of CSE, NHCE

Class: 6th  and 4th  Semester BCA students

Time: 10:00 am-1:00pm

Venue:  HP Lab and Lab2

                   Department of Computer Science and Engineering

               New Horizon College of Engineering,



  1. To acquire skills to write commands of Structured Query Language.
  2. To acquire knowledge in data analysis using Oracle and Vertica.
  3. To develop the skill of designing database using Vertica.

 The Department of Computer Science took up an initiative to enhance the technical skills of students through student exchange program on Vertica database for 6th and 4th semester BCA students at New Horizon College of Engineering, Marathahalli campus on 5th July 2022.

Students attended the sessions in 2 labs simultaneously. The workshop was meant to explore the power and simplicity of Vertica database. The Resource person presented the session that was a blend of theory and practical knowledge of Database. SQL commands and features of Vertica, difference between Vertica and SQL was discussed in the first session

In second session, hands on training was given on creating database using Vertica DB. The resource person also trained the students in different applications of Vertica. This would help students for placement in software domain


The students were able to create database using Vertica and students were proficient in using Vertica software for building effective database.