REPORT on J&H – 2021
Venue: New Horizon College, Kasturi Nagar
Place: Online Zoom Meeting
Date: 28th October 2020
Time: 10.30 am – 12.30 pm
Programme Coordinator: Ms. Sonal Vyas K


To educate all the first-year students about Sexual Harassment (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal)- Act 2013.
The webinar began with a welcome address by Ms. Sonal Vyas, Co-ordinator, Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell, welcoming the director, Mrs. Sunitha Hangal & the Principal in-charge, Mrs. Sunitha S in absentia. Ms. Sonal also addressed the Justice&Hope Program Manager, Ms. Malathi Thangamani, the Speaker, Ms. Meena Lokhande, and welcomed all the first-year students for the session.
The webinar was held on the online platform- Zoom meetings, link of which was sent to each Mail-Id registered for the webinar by Justice&Hope. This was done for security purpose so that no one from outside the college can join the session.
The speaker for the session was Ms. Meena Lokhande, Senior Manager, Child Help Foundation, Mumbai. Ms. Malathi from Justice&Hope gave a brief introduction of the speaker. Ms. Meena Lokhande has an educational qualification that’s quite interesting having MBA in Social Entrepreneurship, Diploma In NGO Management & B. A. In Psychology and Commerce. She was awarded GIWL Award for Social Leader of the Year – 2019 and has been a Speaker at Women Economic Forum (WEF) – 2020.

Ms. Sonal Vyas welcoming Ms. Malathi, Ms. Meena & the students gathered.

Ms. Malathi explaining the initiatives taken by the Justice&Hope organisation.

The initiative UMEED by J&H Organisation.

The initiative RAAHAT by J&H Organisation.
The Program Schedule was
10:30 – 10:35 AM: Welcome and Introduction 10:35 – 10.45 AM: Pre-test (Zoom Poll) 10:45 – 11:55 AM: Session by Ms. Meena 11:55 – 12:00 PM: Post-test (Zoom Poll) 12:00 – 12:25 PM: Q&A
12:25 – 12:30 PM: Vote of thanks

Ms. Meena Lokhande explaining the importance of the POSH-Act.
Ms. Meena started the session with the introduction of Sexual harassment and its prevention. Then she discussed on some famous POHS cases before and after the POSH Act-2013. After which it was very important that the students know the background of the law relating to the POSH. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention/Prohibition/Redressal) Act-2013 was briefed and discussed.
The actual meaning of Sexual Harassment, its types and the forms of Sexual Harassment were explained in detail. As most of the women go through sexual harassment it is very important to understand the effects of it on them, physically, emotionally and psychologically. The consequences of Sexual Harassment were explained to the students. The Do’s & Don’ts that needs to be followed by all the professionals at the workplace was listed to all the students.
The legal procedures to be followed by the person who has been harassed & any help that they can take from NGO’s was discussed.

The examples of famous POSH cases that were being discussed by Ms. Meena Lohkande.
After the session a Post-test was done to ensure the deep sinking of the topic and better understanding. This ended with a Q&A session with Ms. Meena ensuring any doubts regarding the legal help were cleared. The answers to the questions were also discussed by Ms. Meena after the poll ended. Ms. Sonal delivered the vote of thanks.

The Post Poll test conducted by the speaker (Ms. Meena Lokhande).

The Q&A session by Ms. Meena at the end of the talk.
An awareness was created among students about the sensitivity of the POSH-Act 2013. They were given the actual meaning of “Sexual Harassment” & legal understanding of laws relating to POSH. The students also learnt that they must reach out for help in such a situation and not hesitate to approach legally.