Medical Camp Chowdappanahalli Village on 1-2-2020

Date: 1 – FEB – 2020
Place: Chowdappanahalli Village
Subject: Event Report (Medical Camp)
Looking back one week ago, this seemed like a herculean task that the students were sceptical about, Soon after a meeting, the Students and faculty of BCA department under UBA made sure that they got in touch with Lions club Bangalore Host in order to get the right direction in organising a medical camp for the villagers of Chowdappanahalli village. Rightly so, the president of LCBH Dr. Mahesh N Kukreja and the secretary of LCBH Lion Manjunath guided us through this plan wherein they helped us in arranging doctors for our medical camp.
The two geniuses that guided us with their experience and knowledge.
We managed to get doctors from Ambedkar medical college for dental check-up, doctors from Mfine for blood pressure and sugar check-up and finally a team of doctors from GCE taking care of the eye check-up.
The team of doctors, well versed and very well guided by the Leos.
Before organising the medical camp, We needed to aware the villagers of this camp and what is it all about. This work was carried out by our energetic BCA students wherein they stepped in to make sure that each villager was aware of what was happening in their village and in the end making sure that they tell the villagers who would this medical camp benefit. Two days prior to the camp date, students made sure that they visited the village and raised an awareness about this medical Ensured that such a task was carried out with full support from our college principal Dr. Vijaya Reddy. Whilst with the faculty ensured the cooperation and support of 25 students and 2 Lions that worked from 9 AM to 3 PM selflessly and enthusiastically.