New Horizon College, Kasturinagar wins big at the Inter Collegiate Online Cultural Fest 2020-21 organized by Bengaluru North University on 30.04.2021. The cultural fest named Utharothsava saw the enthusiastic participation from students having been deprived of art and culture for a long while.
Ms. Sonali Sawanth S I year BCA won 3rd place in Classical dance solo.
Ms. Harshitha K S of I year BBA won 3rd place in Western Dance solo.
Mr. Vighnesh Devraj of I year BBA won 2nd place in Western instrumental solo.
Mr. Sahil Jetwani of II year BCA won 3rd place Mime solo.
New Horizon College, Kasturinagar affiliated to Bengaluru North University, is a recipient of the most promising Education Institution in Karnataka…
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