Industry Oriented Training By Human Resource Development

Date: 25/07/2022 to 4/08/2022
Class: II Year BCA ‘A’ & ‘B’sec
Venue: Room No D34 & P29
The Human Resource Development department, NHEI organized a preplacement training program for II-year IV Sem BCA students.
There was orientation by Ms. Rashmi S HR Manager from placement department on 25-07-2022 at 9:00 AM for group2 (Bsec) and 11:15 for group1 (Asec). On the same day there was an Aptitude discussion classes started at 9:00 AM for group1 (Asec) and 11:15 for group2 (Bsec). The trainers Mr. Franco conducted the classes for group 1 and group 2.
The verbal classes Subject Verb Agreement, Reading Comprehension, one word Substitution, Parajumble, Error detection, Correction, are conducted by the trainer Ms. Lakshmi. The Resume Building classes was conducted by the trainer Ms. Anis Mirza. The Life Skill classes are conducted by the trainers Mr. Jaydeep and Mr. Sabarinath. The Probability, Syllogism, CryptArithmetic, Probability, Syllogism classes are conducted by the trainer Mr. Rishi.
During the session, few students were unable to join the classes, below mentioned is the list of students.