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Industrial Visit to Reserve Bank Of India

Industrial visit was carried out at Reserve Bank of India on 28th August 2018 for I semester BCOM ‘A’ Section, 60 Students. The main objective behind the visit was to make students aware about how various activities related to banking services are carried out in the bank and give them the feel of work environment in the bank. I along with students left our campus at 9.00 am to Reserve Bank of India reached the bank at 11.00 am.

As soon as we reached Reserve Bank of India we were guided and given a presentation about the banking services. The presentation outlined the origin of the reserve bank, future mission & vision which the bank would like to achieve. The RBI plays an important part in the Development Strategy of the Government of India. It is a member bank of the Asian Clearing Union. The general superintendence and direction of the RBI is entrusted with the 21-member central board of directors: the governor; four deputy governors; two finance ministry representatives (usually the Economic Affairs Secretary and the Financial Services Secretary); ten government-nominated directors to represent important elements of India’s economy; and four directors to represent local boards headquartered at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and the capital New Delhi. Each of these local boards consists of five members who represent regional interests, the interests of co-operative and indigenous banks.

The manager of Reserve Bank of India was happy and patient enough to address the various questions put forward by the students. I appreciate staff members who guided students with each and every question in detail. It is rightly said that “See & know” is better than ‘read & learn’. Students have got real feel of Reserve Bank of India working after this visit. They got a chance to transfer their theoretical knowledge to practical implication. This will even help students to understand subject matter clearly in future also. On the whole the industrial visit gave an opportunity for the students to witness and learn the many facets of an Indian bank and to put there learning into practice.