Inclusion of disabled women in society’ by Ms.Pragya Prasun Singh, founder of Atijeevan Foundation. The Awareness program was scheduled on 06/02/2020

to educate the students of today about women safety, precautionary measures and government schemes. To instill confidence and facilitate the needy. The Women’s Cell ‘Aaradhya’ in association with Anti sexual Harassment cell organized an awareness Program on ‘Inclusion of disabled women in society’ by Ms.Pragya Prasun Singh, founder of Atijeevan Foundation. The Awareness program was scheduled on 06/02/2020 between 11.10 am and 12.10 pm in the college auditorium for the first year students of BCOM, BBA and BCA.
The session began with a brief introduction of the guest followed by an audio visual that awestruck the students on learning about her life’s journey. The speaker Ms Pragya, an acid attack survivor, shared her experience and educated the students about the first aid methods and the opportunities they have to serve the people in need. She spoke about how confidence in life is pivotal. The students realized the triviality of beauty which only accounts for external appearance and that real beauty is in the internal qualities of self confidence, compassion, patience and love for others. The life of Ms Pragya was a testimony to the fact that with self confidence one can achieve success in all walks of life.
The Principal Dr. Vijaya Reddy congratulated Atijeevan Foundation for their service to society and assured to support them in future efforts. The program came to a close with a vote of thanks, where the students expressed their sincere gratitude for the inspiration and motivation they received. Conclusion: Three hundred and fifty students from all streams participated in the awareness program and returned with their hearts filled with positive vibes to face life with confidence.They also learnt ways to donate for the upliftment of the needy. Thus the objective of organizing the event was very successfully met.