Run For Unity


INSTITUTIONAL SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Run For Unity As a mark of respect to the great personality SARDAR VALLABHBHAI PATEL we celebrated his 143rd birth anniversary. Around 600 students and faculties participated for the Run for Unity.

Swachatha Hi Seva’ movement launched by the prime minister of India

nhck 7

INSTITUTIONAL SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Swachatha Hi Seva’ movement launched by the prime minister of India The prime minister of India launched a movement on September 15th 2018 called as Swachatha Hi Seva. The different departments of NHCK heads, along with the team of enthusiastic volunteers, launched cleanliness drive through a villages adopted under UBA. They cleaned […]

Lake cleaning Drive

lake cleaning drive

INSTITUTIONAL SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Lake cleaning Drive Devasandra Lake Rejuvenation. 63 volunteers with NSS Program Officer went for the lake cleanliness drive on on 30th June 2018.The Lake is spread across 15 acres. The guide who was assigned for the team spoke about the importance of Lake and also assigned work to the team.