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Neelima Dubey – Associate . Prof., Mrs. Uma Choudary – Asst. Prof. and Mrs. Reshma Sanjay – Student Counselor Department of Hindi organized a Seminar – YOGAKSHAR 2016 for all BBA, B.Com, BCA students – 10.08.2016.

Strategies to Ensure Business Sustainability

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I, III Year B.Com (6 Students) & I Sem BBA (2 Students) participated and presented a Seminar on “Strategies to Ensure Business Sustainability – A Knowledge Exposure to Students”


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The Dept of ARG organised a Seminar on “Entrepreneur” for all under – graduate students.

National level conference of IQAC

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ARG organized a National level conference of IQAC. Dr. V Prabhu Dev (Christ University) and Dr. Veeresh B (NHPUC) were the guest speaker on 24/02/16

Prayas 2016

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A one day Hindi National Seminar ‘Prayas 2016’ was 25 Participants presented their papers – 29-01-2016.