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Rise from the past, It’s time to relive once again as a Horizonite, it’s never late …

With these true thoughts in mind, New Horizon Family remembers all those young, energetic, dynamic, enterprising and hardworking young citizens of our proud country, who were once upon a time with us as a member of our extended family to reunite your association with the Institution you have passed years ago at a different level and with focused intention.

An Opportunity for the alumni to share their experience with students, build a networking and human bonding to gain, grow and disseminate the knowledge through experience they have gained in the world.

With a passion to build a strong society for the nation and more so the Intellectual growth of the country, we look forward for a mighty contribution from your side in form of sharing your expertise, knowledge, experience, passion and commitment to make our youngsters at the Institution to learn and re learn from those in the reality of the world.

As such we name this movement as “I am a proud Horizonite “in which alumni’s will take up the initiatives in association with the Institution for a better living and society.

Looking forward for a positive response and pro active participation…

Kindly register yourself and be a part of this enriching movement…

Alumni Association Committee Members


Fostering intellectual, spiritual and emotional ties among the members of the horizonites while creating a culture of philanthropy among the alumni, to ensure that they continue to contribute their time, talent and resources for the betterment of the institute


If you have dreams and are willing to trust your professors to help you achieve them, New Horizon College is the place for you. I always feel very happy when it comes to talking about New Horizon College. I love the curriculum, infrastructure, environment, and other facilities that make you ready for the professional world. Thank you, New Horizon College!
monisha 100x100 1
Monisha G- BCOM
Customer Associate , Accenture
" NHCK has given me lot of skills, knowledge which has helped me build my career and the teachers were supportive to the students helping them not only in studying but encouraging them to take part in other activities too and the time spent with my friends at college are unforgettable "
dhanyashree 100x100 1
Dhanyashree R- BCOM
Analyst, Northern Trust
It was a great experience studying at New Horizon College, a memory to cherish for lifetime. My experience at New Horizon college was full of learning and grooming. It gave me an opportunity to meet different kind of people from around the world and learnt many things from them. I am thankful to all the faculties
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Priya R- BCA
Process Associate at Availity India pvt ltd