Date: 09/03/2022
With an aim to build confidence among the students of New Horizon College ,Kasturinagar. Anti – Ragging Committee organized a visit to the police station on 09th March, 2022. The main objective of the visit was to help students face uncertainties with courage, to become responsible citizens and to be optimistic in their lives. The Event was organized for BCOM, BBA and BCA students. Fifty students accompanied by two teachers visited Ramamurthynagar police station, where Mr.Mounish and Mr. Parashuram, Sub inspector of police addressed the students and briefed them about filing a complaint, ragging and cyber crime. In addition to considering the police department as cordial and not fret them.
New Horizon College, Kasturinagar affiliated to Bengaluru North University, is a recipient of the most promising Education Institution in Karnataka…
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