A Tributary event to the evergreen legends who we’ve lost during the pandemic

DATE: 26 JUNE 2021, Saturday
A Tributary event to the evergreen legends who we’ve lost during the pandemic.
OBJECTIVE: This event was organized by the Cultural committee of NHCK i.e.
Satrang’s saarang club, in order to give a tribute to the legendries who are not with us anymore. We had few students who volunteered to give tribute to all the great people who have rendered service to the country either by being in entertainment industry, sports field or being a great leader and working for the growth of the country. This event was all about remembering legends in our prayers and to appreciate the great work done by them.
The guest for the event was Mamta Sharma ma’am. The host for the event was Dr.Neelima Dubey. The co-host for the event was Prerana Tripathi. Sahil Jethwani was the presenter.
Event support team:
Supriya Dinakaran (club mentor), Sahil Jethwani, Sundari, Shrujan and other core committee members. Diwakar Bharti was the anchor for the event. Welcome speech was given by Sangeetha Dalai. Core committee members and saarang club members were introduced to the audience and guest.
Event was started at 12:00 pm through Cisco WebEx meeting app. Then the invocation song was sung by Prerana Tripathi. Our guest Mamta Sharma acknowledged the gathering. Dr. Neelima Dubey introduced saarang club members and core committee members. The rules of the event and introduction to the event was given by Diwakar Bharti.
The main performances started and participant’s videos were played by Sahil Jethwani. Each participants were encouraged and given feedback for their performance by guest, Dr. Neelima Dubey and audiences.
There were 12 participants who took active participation in the event:
Sejal.S – Singing
Jonathan – Playing Instrument Rohini. R – Story
Sameer – Story
Tanushree – Singing
Anju Elza Mathew – Singing Prerana Tripathi – Singing Basavaraj – Singing
Antony Jennie Lisa – Singing Pramod – Story
Nayani Disha ‐ Story Ayan Ali –Singing
There were 59 audiences and 12 participants in the meeting. Information regarding E-CERTIFICATE and feedback form was given by Supriya Dinakaran. Vote of thanks was given by Abhi Gowda.
Dr.Neelima Dubey ma’am entertained the audience by singing a beautiful song. There were live performances by few of the participants. All the participants were encouraged and motivated for their efforts made. The event went very smoothly, Principal A.R.Sainath sir appreciated to event and the team members.
The event was well praised and contented by the audience who felt very happy and entertained by the whole organisation.
At 2:25 the meeting ended pleasantly.
Event Brochure and Event Details: (In Image Format)