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A Road Map To Writing Quality Research Paper

Date: 6th June 2022
Timings: 1.00 Pm To 4.00 Pm
Number Of Participants: 28
Venue: D-21


Research is the bedrock of knowledge in general and higher education in particular. The institutions of higher education in India are facing crucial challenges in creating, nurturing and maintaining the level of quality research. It is essential to develop a sound methodological base of research among the researchers to cope up with challenges in the field of research.The current faculty development program is an effort to enrich our teacher on verification of quality research publication and structure of research journal.

The department of management organized faculty development programs on “A Road map to writing quality research paper on 6th June 2022 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Ms. Padmalini – associate professor from R V Institute of Management, Bangalore, was the resource person of this event and had a rich experience in research and Publication and is a well known researcher and consultant.

The session started with a discussion on the importance of research work for teachers. The resource person spoke about selecting the right journal for publishing research work.

The main focus of the session was on making the teachers understand the difference between cloned journals and quality journals, how predatory journals exploit researchers and how to overcome these problems. She explained practically the ways to verify the journal’s quality and checklist for selecting the right journals.

The session continues with the discussion on elements of writing a quality manuscript, where resource persons emphasize on identifying the research problem, writing statements of problem and methodology of research work where theoretical framework and conceptual framework were explained. The session was concluded by emphasizing on plagiarism issues and challenges faced by researchers and free online tools citation and bibliography.


The objective of the program was achieved as the teachers were well equipped with better understanding on selecting the right journal for publication of their research work, also hands on online tools for citation and bibliography and preparing a manuscript work quality publication.