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Students Inter-collegiate Participation on 6th February 2020


To kindle the curiosity and interest to learn about a legendary personality Swamy Vivekananda. The legendary Personalities of our country are long forgotten by youngsters. To educate our students about one such personality, the enthusiastic students of New Horizon College were sent to participate in an inter-collegiate programme at MLA College. Twenty four students from all streams of Commerce, Management and Computer science participated in the inter- collegiate programme organized by MLA College on the occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary celebration of Swamy Vivekananda on 6 th February 2020 in their college campus. Our students participated in various events like Quiz, Debate and speech Competitions in Hindi, Kannada and English. The students competed with over seventy five colleges from all over the city. They were awarded certificates for their participation. Conclusion: The one day event gave the students a rich knowledge about the life and achievements of the great visionary Swamy Vivekananda. Thus the true objective of sending students for the competition was successfully achieved.