Python Programming

Date: 25th June 2022
Resource Person: -Mr. Sabitabrata Bhattacharya,
Senior Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE,
New Horizon College of Engineering.
Participants: 6th Semester BCA students
Time: 10:00 am-2:00pm
Venue: Altair Lab
Department of AI and ML
New Horizon College of Engineering, Marathahalli
- To acquire programming skills in core Python.
- To acquire Object Oriented Skills in Python
- To develop the skill of designing applications in Python
An important initiative taken by the Department of Computer Science to enhance the technical skills of students through student exchange program on Python Programming for 6th semester BCA students at New Horizon College of Engineering, Marathahalli campus on 25th June 2022. The workshop was meant to explore the power and simplicity of Python & Data Science. Resource person presented the session that was blend of theory and practical knowledge of Python & Data Analytics. History of Python programming language, set up of Python Programming environment for Windows, Variables and Data types, Operations in Python were explained in the morning session of the workshop.
In the Afternoon session, Inbuilt Data Structures in Python and some complicated concepts were discussed, which helped students develop their own code and further will help them for placement in software domain. The resource person also trained the students about application named teachable machine which would help the student training the machine easily to develop any machine learning model application.
Students were be able to implement a given algorithm as a computer program (in Python)and able to explain what a given program (in Python) does and students were well proficient in using library software for building a graphical user interface, web application .